We finished up our 4 week unit today on All Thing Seuss with Dr. Seuss Party! The kids (and I) have enjoyed this month so much with teachings, it will be hard to top it next month (oh but I will try...lol) Here is how our day went...(all the links to our teachings are at the bottom in case you just want those you can go right down)
Kids wanted me to read this 1 book again, as they laughed their butts off...
I will be posting our April school plans this weekend....in case you need any ideas!
Last night I made some mini chocolate, choc. chip cupcakes...we are eating them all day!
We watched three movies!
Played our ABC Game...girls loved it!
Even Sam got into it.
Some books we never got to do studies with but read them today during snack time..
The assignment was to draw a pictures from your favorite Dr Seuss Book...(see above book)
Molly's is the airplane that Marco says was seen on Mulberry Street
Zachary did the elephant and zebra (hard to see) from the same book.
Fun Seuss activities today that I printed from www.seussville.com
Fun animal fact sheets from our time at Target Read Across America to kick off our Seuss learnings.
Kids earned their Certificates today along with bookmarks I printed and laminated. They loved them.
Eating again...lol
From The Cat in the Hat movie...love the fish!
Loving that cupcake!
If you have been with us on our amazing journey into Dr Seuss all month, Thank you for coming along on our adventure! We enjoyed having you!
If you missed any of the teachings and books here are the links to refer to!
I will be posting our April school plans this weekend....in case you need any ideas!
Happy Weekend Everyone!
Linking up to:
Linking up to:
Your children are very lucky to have you. You really do a good job with your homeschooling. It looks like they are having a blast!
Great job my friend!
Wow! What a fun day! Those cupcakes look amazing. I just bought Green Eggs and Ham for the kids for $5.00 at Target the other day and they have been watching it over and over. My son runs around the house yelling, "I do not like Green Eggs and Ham, I do not like them Sam I Am". So cute. I love the kids drawings. I really like your idea of giving the kids an award at the end. Very cute! Thank you for linking up to the art showcase this week. I am having such fun seeing all the creations. Have a great day!