It's been a real hot minute since I have been back to this space and I wanted to update you a little on what has been happening. We graduated our first homeschooler last June, Zachary, and he is finishing his first year at college. He has excelled and exceeded our expectations and for that, we are grateful. He found "his people" real early in the year and has established a great group of friends. He has maintained a 4.0 in this freshman year and is thriving. We are so proud of him. He earned and wore two tassels at his home graduation ceremony - Green cord was for his over 100 hours of community service in his high school career and the gold was for honors in Math. It was a long road to get to this place and a lot of lessons learned but it was so worth it! If I am honest, I find myself longing for those days when we would spend the day at the Bronx Zoo or meet up with other homeschoolers at the park. Those days are gone and wh...
Where farmhouse life and homeschooling meet