Finally all the children are healthy again...boy last week was rough!
End of the month is always a time of catch up, mish mosh for us...usually we are about done
with our unit studies for that month so we are just doing some
clean up work...
As a reward for really being good last week while all under the weather, I decided to take them to one of their favorite places, Chuck E Cheese.
We had the place to ourselves for the two hours we were there!
When we returned, we had school....Read this today!
Zachary had an assignment to make something using his educational LEGOs that
had the theme of Renewable Energy...he made this wind turbine. Ran on a motor
and worked like a charm!
Linking this LEGO Creation up to
Ideas galore, printables and more.
Getting ready for the Superbowl!
Be Blessed!