Happy Friday Y'all! Another week flew by! Here is what has been going on over here at the farmhouse and beyond.... We are all ready for fall and Halloween! Decorated up! Sadly we get no trick or treaters because of where we live. Molly was invited to a special luncheon at one of the public schools in our area. She had a lot of fun adventuring into a world she is not familiar with. The deer are getting into everything around here. We had to take the chicken wire fencing down around the garden as they were hurting themselves trying to get in and out to eat what was left. Now it's just a grazing feast for them. The weather is still strange. One day hot and humid and another cooler temps. We are still not where we should be for this time of year. I want cooler temps! One thing we don't have is chickens. I have always wanted them but we are not ready for the responsibility yet. BUT ...
Where farmhouse life and homeschooling meet