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Showing posts from October, 2017

Farmhouse Friday

Happy Friday Y'all!  Another week flew by!  Here is what has been going on over here at the farmhouse and beyond....   We are all ready for fall and Halloween!  Decorated up!  Sadly we get no trick or treaters because of where we live.  Molly was invited to a special luncheon at one of the public schools in our area.  She had a lot of fun adventuring into a world she is not familiar with.  The deer are getting into everything around here. We had to take the chicken wire fencing down around the garden as they were hurting themselves trying to get in and out to eat what was left. Now it's just a grazing feast for them.  The weather is still strange. One day hot and humid and another cooler temps. We are still not where we should be for this time of year. I want cooler temps!  One thing we don't have is chickens. I have always wanted them but we are not ready for the responsibility yet. BUT ...

Christmas Art Lessons - SALE!

I am so happy that is offering their Christmas Video Series on sale this week!  It's only $ 34 for the entire video series!   Celebrate the Christmas season with art!  Taught by a Master Artist bringing the joy of art to all grade levels and all ages!  (click on the computer to bring you to the purchase page) This video art series can be done in your home, with friends, family members or just some quiet time alone!   We love using these video art lessons in our homeschool, but you certainly don't need to be a homeschooler to participate!   What is included in this wonderful seasonal series? Step by step instructions Techniques for both the new artist and more advanced Independent learning Glossary of art techniques Option to join the You ARE an Artist Facebook group for sharing and question asking Here are the topics included in these lessons: Christmas Star Away in a Manager Winter Fun ...

Farmhouse Friday - Fall at the Farmhouse

Happy Friday Friends It's been a sad and depressing week in our world. I almost did not blog this week but then I thought, this is what makes me happy to share with you all and I don't want to let sadness win!  I just cant believe that we live in a world where events like Las Vegas can even happen.  Where people become so numb to love for one another.   We have had the news off on the television, as our son gets very anxious with bad/sad news. Sometimes avoidance is necessary.  Instead of chatting about world news, I thought I would give y'all a sneak peek into our home as we prep for fall, even though temps are in the 80's this weekend. We have been doing a lot of fall cooking and baking. Pumpkin and pear everything. What is it about fall time that has us ready to bake and cook up a storm? We bring out our slow cookers and hunker down for the season.  We are so thankful that our Asian pe...

Make It Monday - Baking with Asian Pears

Hi friends... I hope your day is going great and thanks for stopping by the farmhouse.  I am sharing a new recipe today using Asian Pears. A fruit that I was not familiar with until we moved to the farmhouse.  We realized, last fall, that we had two pear trees in our "garden area". Back then it was an overgrown semi-fenced in area that we had a vision for.  We were able to make that vision come true this year with a wonderful abundant garden.   Last year, we barely had any pears on the trees.  This year, the fruit is so plentiful, we are giving them away! Never knowing what an Asian Pear was, of course I took to Pinterest.  Finding Asian Pear recipes was not hard at all.  I wanted to find one that I already had the other ingredients for.  None of the ones I was pinning would work out but I did have a recipe in mind that I used with a mixed berry cobbler so I tried that!  If you are not f...