Big thank you to everyone who stopped by the blog last week and showed me some {love}! I appreciate you all! I have chosen the winners using
Day 1 giveaway- Kelly Joy Boutique $ 15 shop credit - REMEMBER ALSO SHE GAVE US A CODE TO USE ON 1 ITEM 20% off AT HER SHOP! JOYOFHOME20 BONUS BONUS - She is keeping open this code all next week too, in case you are not a winner and want something special!
Congrats Amy
You can contact Kelly Joy Boutique on her Facebook page here and
let her know what you want!
Day 2 giveaway - Jesus Calling Kids Devotional Book - 3 are being given away!
The 3 Lucky winners are:
Carol - no blog or email comment # 13
Tracy from A Slice of Smith Life comment # 23
Amy W. comment # 22
My email is
Please contact me with your mailing information
so I can get this awesome book out to you!
Day 3 - Crayon/Pad Travel case from UPTOTE - These are made from recycled materials and great for any age for the car, restaurants and even at home!
The lucky winner of this great crayon travel tote from UPTOTE Is:
Shaper of Little Souls from the blog Loving Learning
comment # 2
You can contact Caroline from Uptote here and give her your contact information for mailing.
Day 4 - Word Pocket Chart and Scholastic Books - These are great tools for your kiddies for schooling!
Winner is:
Congrats Tracy
You can contact me at with your contact information.
Day 5 - Flower Pins from Marie-Madeline Studio - there are 9 LUCKY Winners for these awesome pins!
Since we did not have 9 separate people enter you are ALL winners!
Jamie from Meadow Creek
Lindsay from Bytes of Memory
Mommy of 3 from The Happy Hearts Academy
Amy from Missional Mama
Robin from Live, Love,Educate
Please contact me via email with your mailing information
Winners will have 48 hours to email me their mailing information so I can ship out the fun!
BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THE SPONSORS: Kelly Joy Boutique, Marie-Madeline Studios, UPTOTE, Scholastic and Tommy Nelson Kids! I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people out there care!
*** Don't forget Kelly Joy is giving everyone an extra week to use that 20% off code for an item from her shop! CODE: JOYOFHOME20

Do you still have my mailing address.
Loves and Blessings~