We are starting our Planting unit and also our Gardening Challenge. Hooking up with The Homeschool Village! We are excited! Check it out if you are not familiar with it!
We took a walk around the house to see what nature already gave us!
We got out our seeds.....
Pots for future use and our egg carton for seedling planting
We took a walk around the house to see what nature already gave us!
Zachary read to us.
Read a few articles in our Gods World News (I recommend this affordable publication to ANYONE with primary school age kids)
Worked on our Garden Hidden Pictures
I read this to the kids and we spoke about hibernation and when the bears (around our house) should be waking up...
Zachary read to us about a tree that got blown down by the wind and a new seedling started in its place..This is from Ladybug Magazine - another great resource!
Molly working on her measurements unit - which is taller....love that it's about trees!
We discussed how we can't plant outside yet, due to the fact that we will be getting snow still (blah!)
but start out seedlings inside and then plant them in about 3 weeks or so.
Cant wait to plant and watch them grow...
We do a patio garden (due to the animals around) each year and have some great crops...here are some pictures from last year!
We planted these beans late and they shot up in a week!
Thanks for linking up with us today!
Next link up is April 28th 10am EST
Susan - The HSV TEAM
I love the mix of fiction and non-fiction you used.
Thank you again for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.