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In just a few days I am packing up all four of my children (ages 4-25) and hitting the open road! We are traveling from NY to NC to see my ailing father. After a few days in NC we are back in the truck heading further South to SC (I was born in Charleston, SC) to visit my aunt and uncle for a week.
In just a few days I am packing up all four of my children (ages 4-25) and hitting the open road! We are traveling from NY to NC to see my ailing father. After a few days in NC we are back in the truck heading further South to SC (I was born in Charleston, SC) to visit my aunt and uncle for a week.
My husband, due to work, won't be joining us. My oldest son will be flying home mid-vacation. I will admit I am anxious about traveling this far with the children without my husband to help out. Especially the home trip without another adult helping.
Keeping the children occupied (using DVD player as a last resort) is important to me. With some preplanning and forethought, I was able to put together some great Travel Containers for them! Keeping with a tight budget is a must since the trip (gas alone) is costing us a pretty penny. Finding a lot at Dollar Tree stores, using Swagbucks at Amazon and Target Dollar Spot helping me keep these Travel Container costs low!
I found the plastic, 3 sectioned, containers at a dollar store (although they were $ 1.29). They are sturdy and can be used for other purposes while traveling also! (think food trays...)
I was blessed to find pink for the girls! Filling them with fun items and useful items was my purpose!
Each child has a small pack of tissues, pencils, pen, crayons, post it notes, paper, workbooks, a pack of sugarless gum and a few other little surprises!
Over the Summer, Toys-R-Us had their Crayola Products on sale for Buy 1 get 2 Free! I scored three of these fun Twistables for each of the kids for the price of 1 ($ 4.99).
For Zachary, 9 years old, I had to come up with some age appropriate activities. Finding this Scrabble book at the Dollar Tree was a HUGE Score! Mad Libs on the Road I found at Amazon, using a Swagbucks GC cost me nothing. The LEGO Chima (ruled notebook) I found at Michaels Craft store. He is a huge geography buff so this National Geographic Ultimate Road Trip Atlas will keep him busy for a while!
In addition to the travel containers, I found a great idea on Pinterest, Border Bags! I used paper lunch bags (found at dollar store) and filled them with a snack item and little "toy" (ie Slinky, fun sunglasses, small LEGO minifigures). These they will open when we hit a border of a new state!
In addition, we have Ipads to fill in the times when they are just ready for some quiet time! I plan on stopping often and bringing plenty of snacks!
I would really appreciate prayers for our travel..specifically that the children are well behaved, no hurricanes coming up the coast...and for my visit with my dad (probably my last) to be a blessed one.
I found so much inspiration on Pinterest. Tons of FREE Travel games you can print! If you are looking for travel ideas with children, I invite you to check out my Travel pinterest Page HERE! Be sure to check out this blog post for a great Packing List Print Out by hello cuteness! (FREE and many more checklists too!)
We won't be returning home until September 5th, so the blog will be quiet! However, I will be sharing our adventure in pictures via Instagram (MNEWELL0293)! If you are not a follower yet, I invite you to do so!
Until we meet again - Be Blessed!