Summer will be here before you know it! I am excited for all that is in store at our home. To make things a little easier and honestly more are a few BUCKET LISTS that you can download for free and use in your homeschool.
Eye Candy Creative Studio has a great one you can fill in on your own!
Motherhood on a Dime has a great one you can download and print. BUCKET LIST
Tried and True has a great summer bucket list printable also.
I love this one from Mommy and Things that is already made up for can get excited!
My all time favorite is this one for us BLOGGERS! You will love it!
Blog Clarity!
Blog Clarity!
While these are all FREE DOWNLOADS, it's a nice thing if you visit their blogs and leave some love...these ladies work hard on providing us with beautiful tools!
Until next time: Be Blessed!
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