Happy 2018 everyone!
Something our family has participated in before is the January No Spend Challenge. We are going for it again this year!
We start by praying about it. Praying that God will help me with the temptations of the 80% off Christmas decor that I could use for next year, praying that our children will embrace the challenge and not ask for delivery pizza each week, pray that we find ourselves content with what we DO have and not idolize those things.
Here's the 411 on how it goes....
1. No spending on NON-essential items
Example of essential items are: food, gas, tithing to the church, medical expenses, bills committed too on a monthly basis.
Example of Non-essential items: anything that you would spend money on other than essential items! (examples might include: take out food, coffee, wine, beer, birthday presents, impulse buys)
Rest assured you will not be hung out to dry and do this alone! I will be there with you, to hold you accountable, to encourage you, to pray with you. I would love the same commitment from you.
Don't think for a minute, this will be easy. We are creatures of habit and our lifestyle. But I do know that with discipline and prayer this can be done! Think of what Jesus gave up for US. I am only asking for a month of your commitment.
I will be posting updates on how we are doing...ideas for NO spending family fun....ideas for living frugal, healthy recipes and more.
If you join us, welcome!
If you think you just can't commit to this, that is ok too. Maybe just cut 1 thing out or 2 things out to help your budget.
I am excited to see how we do and to come face to face with the challenges!
I look forward to having some of you join us on the journey!
I will pray for you and your family as well. Will you pray for us?
TIP: We bake and make from scratch a lot this month. Family activity and budget friendly!
I also encourage you to keep a journal of sorts writing down what tempted you in the month. How did you find ways to curb your spending? What was your grocery bill? Could you have saved the budget somewhere in January? How did this challenge change your thinking? What did you do to curb those urges to spend? Did you find ways to occupy time that might have been spent on line on those daily deal sites?
I know some of you are already doing everything you can to not spend and that is excellent. If so, then take this month to encourage others while continuing your journey.
REMEMBER: This is not only about curbing your spending, but about discipline and being thankful for the life we live everyday. The daily gifts we have been given.
I am excited about the areas that I can save our family money and finding new ways to have family fun on a zero budget. Looking in our home for untapped resources.
If you are "on the fence" on the challenge and think you can't possibly do it, then I encourage you to pick just one area where spending gets out of control and cut that back.
I will be posting each Monday with new ways to help you out this month. I will also be looking for accountability! I hope you will feel comfortable enough to share your journey and ins and outs of the month. #nojudgementzone
Our family wishes you the happiest of new years and we can't wait to walk this journey with you side by side!
I want to challenge myself to do better in January when it comes to our grocery budget. We really don't have a "budget" as far as the traditional word goes. However, I have my own budget that i like to stick to. Last year it was $ 150 per week average on groceries. Which for a family of 5 who 4 of them are home most days and hubby brings leftovers everyday, is not bad. (mind you we eat mostly organic and whole foods)
My personal grocery challenge: To only spend $ 100 per week - which means giving up my Shop From Home option (fee of $ 4.95 per week for a private shopper to shop for me, bag my grocery's and have them waiting for a pick up time.I know it's a luxury but one that will buy me a gallon of organic milk instead of the fee).
I will need to be creative in my meal planning and shop from my already stocked pantry also.
Who is with me? Would love to hear your own goals and if you are going to do the challenge along with our family!
Be Blessed and Spend Less!
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