I am willing to bet that most of my readers and followers are not aware of the significance of February 28th. For that I am grateful. If you did know that today is Rare Disease Day , that means you or someone close to you might have a rare disease. We are aware of it in our home. My BFF has a child with a very rare syndrome. It's a challenging life but BLESSED life for our little buddy, Owen. He has a rare disease called Cardio Facio Cutaneous or CFC for short . It is so rare in fact that researchers estimate that 200-300 people worldwide have this condition. This is a picture of Owen, Molly and myself on one of our camping adventures. He is our smallest camper yet! One thing you can do to help our little buddy, Owen, is sign up for Amazon Smile and pick the Cardio Facio Cutaneous as your special charity. Each time you make a purchase on Amazon, a small amount will be donat...
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